Advisory Board
The Volunteer UP Legal Clinic Advisory Board is comprised of attorneys dedicated to mobilizing their colleagues in the private sector to provide pro bono legal services for critically underserved members of the South Jersey community.
Rosy Arroyo, Secretary*
Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
​​Lloyd C. Birnbaum
Gary W. Boguski
Lou Cappelli, Jr.
Shereen Chen Gray
Rachel S. Dichter
Frantz Duncan
Shook Hardy & Bacon
​David Edelstein
M. Lou Garty
​​Kelly J. Gastley*
​​William Gill
​​Curt Golkow
Bruce Goldman
Ret. General Counsel, PREIT
Nancy Whatley Griffin
Ret. EEO/AA Dir., NJ Civil Service Commission
​Jodina Hicks
John P. Johnson, Jr.
Christopher J. Keating
Lori Koch
Federal Public Defender District of New Jersey
​Christopher P. Leise
Lisa E. Lewis*
Ronald Lieberman
Jay Levin
Ann Madden Tufano, Vice-Chair*
Ellis I. Medoway
Lou Moffa
Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads LLP
Justin Moore
​​​Jeffrey L. Nash, Chair*
Corey S. D. Norcross
​​Jessica A. Platt
Pamela Richardson
David F. Roeber*
Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP
Steven L. Salinger*
New Jersey Office of the Public Defender
Brooke Schmoll
Stephanie V. Shreibman
Jerry Silvi, Treasurer*
Amy Smith
Weinberg, Kaplan & Smith, P.A.
John S. Stapleton*
Michael J. Watson
Brett Wiltsey
Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel LLP
Vittoria Zaslavsky